Thursday, May 15, 2014

Great mysteries of Jewel Dragon

This has been something that has been itching on my mind ever since I seriously got into JD.

Who is the girl on the lower right?  I can identify every other card in this picture.  Both the english and chinese wiki do not have any card information with her.
Fire Drake god or whatever the name given for the starter fire dragon is the top left.
Targaryen is the top right.
Hector is the middle left.
Achilles is the middle right without the faceguard.
Raphael is the lower left.

Yeah it's kinda slow right now.  Need more festivals that don't have insanely hard quests.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Quest 31-4: About darn time

Took me a while to figure out what team to use, and to use it right.  I'm sure a super-offensive team with a really good combo maker could work, but with my luck I always failed at stage 6.  So I went with a defensive team:

Leader: Holy Angel Amy (50% reduction against holy needed for stage 6 and boss stage)
Ally: Thunder Queen++ (an overpowered card, now ultimate evolved to be even more overpowered)
Erinyes++ (the other overpowered card fully max'd out level and skill wise)
Tainos (filler thunder damage with decent stats and usable skill on any stage needed)
Jotunn++ (heart changer needed when hearts eventually get low; Amy has this purpose too)
Night Witch Catherine (needed for stage 6 and boss stage)

Once Erinyes and Thunder Queen's skills are available getting to stage 6 isn't too bad.  Lots of enemies have 1000-2000 defense, and this team isn't that offensive oritented.

Stage 6's Kid Saintess has 7000 defense, hits for about 14000, and has around 700000 HP.  Constant spamming of medusa eyes and iron wall from here on out.  The Charybdis have about 3 million HP, hit for about 17000 each, but only have 500 defense or so each.  It's mostly just skill spamming with the exception of Amy and Jotunn when you get a bad break and hearts are in short supply.

The final quest is available now...I'll just post the pic of the final set of enemies you can face.  If I do clear this quest I'll move it to the post I will make when it happens.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Update 4.4

Small update to nerf full clears of diamonds :\

According to my sources it's like a 75% nerf to damage.  I guess JD didn't realize how powerful a full clear would be when you stack a mono-elemental team.  And you can't just not update since the game will not function if you try to sit on version 4.2 so we're short on luck.