Friday, January 10, 2014

Erasmus - Dark Mechbeast

We are at the final leg of the mechbeast series now.  The quest series is in line with the other mechbeast series, so no surprises here.  Like usual, don't forget that I have double dark damage reduction, so I'm taking 75% less damage than normal.  Most stages have a Jack-In-Irons that can seal light cards, which is annoying since he also attacks every turn.  There's also magic dolls than can do double attacks.

Pics of stage 5 and 9.  I think the cursed doll also has double attack and soul seal.  The twin Dark Mars didn't do anything special, though I'm assuming they can heal.  They do have a little bit of defense and a lot of HP.  The damage shown in the Dark Mars pic is total damage.

Here is Erasmus with his normal and double attack damage.  Nothing really scary, though with my setup it takes a while to whittle down his HP.  He can heal 50% of his HP when he is really low, so save up skills for around 30% or a little less, then go all out.

Now that I'm done with this I may do some weekend treasure chest hunting - need some coin :P

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