Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is this now what they call a "ded gaem?"

Seeing how the limited quests are no longer refreshing, the rare summons aren't rotating, and the disappointing "festival" that occurred some weeks ago, what happened?  Did the company just pick up and leave and left the servers on?

Filling the void for a while is Brave Frontier, which is sort of similar.  It has RPGish like elements, but still carries the whole "collectable unit" thing going on, along with energy, exp farming, $$$ farming, limited quests, rare summons for gems, etc.  It's just a heck of lot more active, but also more buggy (like, 99% of the events are delayed/bugged in some fashion).  But still fun.

Also filling the void is some Starcraft 2 :)  Honestly, I've played Blizzard games for a very long time (since the days of Diablo 1 and the original Starcraft).  Blizzard overall has produced some top-tier games.  People are probably dissing D3 as the worst game ever blah blah blah; it's not bad, but had a rocky start.  I would still trust them over most game companies to crank out quality products.

Back to JD - these days I'm just logging on for the daily rewards sadly.  No events come out = no posts to talk about them.  And that final normal quest?  If I do it, I get a gem. Wow.

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