Heal spam, I should have known. At least Erasmus only saved it for when he was below 33%.
Compared to other technical quests, the rest of the quest didn't seem as nasty. Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 feature random assortments of Kelpie/Otso/Atshen which don't have a lot of health. Stage 5 and 9 have a long Kelpie+ that attacks every round.
The boss is of course, our cute little evil angel. Except it's not cute when she can heal when under 66% life. With a cooldown of only 2 and defense around 5000+, it's hard enough to get her to that 66%. Each heal gives her about 25% of her life back. My team was Saintess++, Baal+, Garuda+, Hakutaku, Erinyes++, and Ciguapa+ (ally). Skill spam at 60% got her to about 25%, but that isn't enough.
I think this quest is definitely offensive minded. My team setups are always more defensive oriented, focusing on damage reduction and auto-healing. But I guess for this one I gotta switch it up. Very strong dark teams could probably wreck this quest handily as long as they can manage hearts fairly well and have a decent amount of HP (over 11-12k I guess).
UPDATE: Here we go. IPhone pics a plenty.
Death Strike: 3101 damage. I don't know what is special about it.
Angry Wind: Barrage of attacks for 5000-6000.
Didn't know he could show up instead of Kelpie+ in stage 5/9. Atshen+ may be a possibility with his own unique skills.
Heal Wounds (not shown): Recover 25% health. Occurs when his life drops below a certain amount (66%?). Really bad to deal with if you can't create some sort of burst damage. Otso+ has zero defense though.
Hand of Doom: Changes an element into stone that does nothing except add to the chain combo. If you get this, be sure to clear them all out - use 4 or 5 chains if necessary; you do not want to have only 1 or 2 on the board because then they cannot be removed and will eat space.
Evil Angel's basic attack. Note I do have Saintess++ so without her, double the number for her true damage.
Angry Wind. Again, double the damage listed if you don't have 50% holy damage reduction.
Soul Seal (not shown) taking out random cards out of the fight for 3 rounds. You can see the numbers on my cards showing how much longer they are out of commission.
Heal wounds yuck. Also, the second pic shows that Holy Ganon did 15852 damage. So her defense is 4248.
Spoils of war. Also, the team I used, plus a level 90 Witch Morgana. Almost ran into the Morgana Level I issue when coming up to the boss (where you could have 10 boxes before encountering her. I already had Evil Angel, but still, that's annoying in a tech quest no less).
My boss strategy: save up all skills for about 60% (about where the right edge of her sword meets her health bar). At around 75% try to manipulate the board so that when you reach that 60% part, you can make a decent combo that has 2+ dark chains. Then use every skill at once, STARTING WITH DEFENSIVE RUIN. All others can be in any order, but don't screw up and use the armor piercing skill last or something :P Morgana is perfect against her: any combo will do damage due to her leader skill.
With a definite strategy this is much easier than other tech quests I've tried.
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