Since the fix to the english login servers, lion events don't seem to be appearing, giving me a little bit of time to look at taking another step in these high level quests. Took this from the Chinese forums:
Better to show the pic than explain it all in text.
Kelpies have some defense but not that much HP.
Hestia are fairly weak in comparison the rest; not that much HP or damage.
Cyclops+ have decent HP and hit fairly hard.
Flame Masks have extreme defense and minimal HP (like those enemies in Spirit Tribe II)
Troll lightning enemies: I killed off the Ettin+ with skills before it could attack, so I don't know how hard it hits. The Impuludu+ however has 3000 defense and hits around 8000-9000 I think.
Super Queen Bosses: Not a ton of HP, but they hit me for 3966 each.
Note that my leader is Priestess++ which halves all fire damage taken (the pic I'm showing is a CN player who has a ridiculous dark team, as you can see with all those cursed attack cards), so take that into account.
My team was Priestess++ (leader), Erinyes++, Achilles, Anatole, and Askafure++, along with Ciguapa+ ally.
The trolling only gets worse as I progress this series - next up has a pair of hard hitting Jotunn as bosses. Like, seriously?
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