Thursday, August 8, 2013

Technical Questing

The JD wiki doesn't say anything about Tech Quests, so I'll put some info here.

Technical quests are quests in which your enemies gain abilities.  These abilities take the place of their normal attacks, and are randomly used (e.g. there's no pattern to them).  Which abilities they have seems to be tied to the enemy itself.  I'm going by memory, but skills you can come across are:

In the technical city quests that are always available:
-Fire Seal: Seals your fire cards, preventing them from using skills or doing any damage when you make a combo with fire diamonds.  This effect lasts 3 turns.
-Water (or Ice?) Seal: you can figure this out
-Thunder Seal: you can figure this one out too
-Focus: Stores energy for a more powerful attack the next time that enemy acts (I think it's just double damage)
-Double attack: attacks twice.  Basically, focus without the free turn of powering up.
-Rebirth: Recover 50% HP.  Super annoying.
-Look Around: Nothing.  Really; I've seen a boss use this, and it did nothing.

In time-limited technical quests, I've seen these as well:
-Death Strike: slightly more powerful attack than a normal attack
-Hand of Doom: changes a random type of diamond into a stone (which does nothing but add to chain counts)
-Heal Wounds: recover 25% life
-Release Potential: Just like focus, but triples damage on next attack.  Stackable with other attack skills, so it's a very dangerous skill.
-Release Full Potential: Dunno, but I'm sure it's a more sup'd up version of the previous skill
-Angry Wind: Barrage of attacks
-Angry Snow: Angry Wind, the hard-hitting version
-Soul Seal: Seals random cards
(Holy/Dark Seal is a skill I haven't run into but I assume exists)

As for the technical city quests themselves, there are 3 sets of quests.  Each set is mono-elemental, and there are 4 quests in each set.  Costs 10 energy for the first 3, and 13 for the last one.  Even if each quests has an elemental theme, you may opt to bring a more balanced team, since enemies can seal away the element they are weak to, leaving you with 3 turns of doing nothing.  Another option would be to go heavy on holy or dark.  The boss of the final quest of each set has a unique card that probably has a terrible drop rate (I heard the Leviathan at the end of the water series cannot drop period).

None of these quests require armor piercing or pestilence, so you can make a team around that idea.  Also note that the water and thunder series of quests have lots of water/thunder bollas, which make these quests pretty good for farming them.  If only the fire quests had fire bollas :(

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