Saturday, October 26, 2013

New tech quests!

Seemingly out of the blue, JD has released 5 new tech quest series.  The exp/gold isn't good, but it's a decent place to farm some materials and owls.  Some of the bosses have double element reduce cards it seems.

There's masks, owls, 3-star attack cards, and 1-star healer cards to get.  The double-element reduction cards are present as bosses, but I'm sure the drop rate is atrocious (if not zero).

A high ATK team like anna + ATK cards have done well.  It's also mostly mono-elemental, so a mono-elemental team of your own may work as well.  I went with the former and a decent skill leveled Erinyes can breeze through it.  Double Anna isn't needed; your ally can be a healer or a damage booster.

LATEST UPDATE: All quests complete.  It's an "ok" place to get materials too.  I was lucky to get a holy flower from the "Dark Carnival of Pagan" quest in the fire quest series.  I also picked up a holy lion in the water quest series.  You can also get masks of any element in these places too (only the first quest in the series does not have masks to fight).


  1. It would be nice if you can upload some screenshots :D

    1. There isn't much to see unfortunately. Each stage is just a mash of 3-star attack cards and owls (and a rare lion or holy flower). Then there's 1 mask stage somewhere wedged in there. The layouts are identical for each quest type. The penultimate quest always has 2 double-elemental damage reducers with a 3-star attack card as the boss, and the ultimate quest has the fully evolved double-elemental damage reducer alone as the boss.
