Monday, July 22, 2013

Thursday Quest: Giant Tribe II (for those Holy Flowers)

25 energy / 5 levels. Drop rate is decent.

Team Setup (for those without amazing cards):
Leader: Any card that reduces holy damage (I used Saintess+), or a card that prevents death if HP is above 40/70%
Banshee+ (needed for the final stage)
Askefure+ (or possibly any card with iron wall)
Follower: Holy damage reducer or live saving card (just like my other team's follower)

The info about the enemies from older posts are still accurate (each hits for about 3000-3500HP, so have around 7000+HP; I had something like 6950HP).  They don't have a ton of health, but you need to be smart with making combos to do initial kills quickly before slowing down.

Stage 1: Kill one Ettin ASAP with 3-chains.  Try to slowly kill the other one afterwards, but be mindful of your health.

Stage 2: Kill one Ljousafar ASAP since it can attack every round.  This is why I went with two shadow cards and a holy damage reducer.  Again, do as many 3-chain combos as possible.  Once they are dead, kill the lone enemy slowly again for skills.

Stage 3: This is probably where you'd use either Medusa Eyes (preferred), or Iron Wall.  It's just two Hestias that attack every round for 3444.  You need to kill one very quickly.  Then follow the usual strategy.

Stage 4: Again, use skills to help.  With my team I focused down the Kali enemy before dealing with the others; I have no lightning cards in my setup, and they are water enemies.  I would save my Saintess+ attack for this.

Stage 5: Poison and win by attrition basically.  Use iron wall when the flower's cooldown is at 1 so it will halve 2 of its attacks.  Save Jotunn's ability for when hearts are scarce.  Focus on combos to clear non heart/fire diamonds.  Takes a lot of rounds since most of the damage comes from Banshee's skill.  Occasionally if you get a very large chain of combos you can do small damage here and there (defense of 1500 isn't too hard to break if you have a stronger cards than what I used).

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