Sunday, August 18, 2013

Quest 19-1 aka super efficient questing

At some point in the past, this quest got a gold and exp buff.  I don't know when or why exactly, but it gives out around 7500 gold and 3768 experience for only 7 energy.  This makes it the best quest to grind experience and the second best for money.  Only quest 29-1 gives more gold per energy according to the wiki (and is second in experience per energy).

This quest also happens to feature Hesperides and Elf as bosses.  I have been running this quest a long time for them, but they have never dropped.  Coincidentally the current Avengers quest is a shorter version of this one; though it has double the energy cost, but I think the drop rate is slightly better (as I did snag and Elf after 7 runs, as opposed to 0 after over 100+ runs of 19-1).

As for the quest itself, it's a fair mix of enemies, though they seem to favor fire and water a bit more.  There are no lightning enemies in this quest either.  It's excellent for farming Chiatuli cards.  You can also get Lampades for low card leveling.  Common drops also include Queen and Kid Athena, but those just for selling.  All cards that drop are level 8.

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