Friday, November 8, 2013

Berkes - Fire Fox (not the browser)

Berkes was the one mechbeast I was missing from my collection.  I was a wee newbie when this quest first came out, and was only able to complete the level 1 version.  Now it has returned - how can I tackle the top level?

Well, fortunately it's a purely mono-elemental quest.  The upper difficulties are technical quests, so it was a little tough putting a good team.  From what I read and experienced, I got really lucky.

Stage 5 and 9 minibosses.  The burning wolf can seal random cards and double attack.  Not really threatening, but it can take a very long time to defeat if it seals your cards often - which it did for me.  Stage 9 was a true pain though.  They only have 1 skill - heal wounds.  They don't have immense HP, but have around 1000+ defense.  However they are guaranteed to use their ability the moment their health goes to 50% or less.  With my team I had to withhold all skills until one of them got to 50%, and then just go all out on it.  With a high ATK team I suppose it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, but I went with a defensive setup.

Note that both the wolf and the queens have CD2.  That extra turn before attacks helps a lot in setting up big heals or attacks.

...And here is our boss.  The 11677 is the damage it can do with a normal attack when powered up with its "Release Potential" skill.  Normal attack with no buff is shown in the other pic (note my leader and ally).  I heard from other players that it can also use the "Angry Snow" skill which is a massive barrage of attacks that totals about the same damage as a buffed attack or possibly more, and/or can heal for 33% or it's max HP.  Yikes.  The boss has CD2 though.

Like I mentioned earlier, I may have gotten extremely lucky.  To account for any of that shenanigans, I went with standard play without using offensive skills till a little under 50%, waited until I got a lot of water diamonds, and just unleashed everything.  Catherine --> Carl --> Senas --> Prothero --> make good chains from here on out (Catherine's skill must be first; the rest can be in any order).

I don't think I wanna do this quest again at these levels.  The annoyance factor was quite high, as well as my luckiness.  However, the level 2 version seems much more appealing for one particular reason - stage 9 there has a pair of Erinyes!  And there I can get away with using more offensive teams, like double Anna.

Anyway, my team and reasoning:
Leader: Deep-Sea Banshee: 50% fire damage reduction and hearts on demand.  Perfect pair of defensive skills.
Prothero: Solid HP and active skill on a fair cooldown (only skill level 2, but still nice)
Pastor Carl: Solid stats all around, and pestilence is quite handy for the mini-bosses as well as the boss itself.
Night Witch Catherine: For my team, absolutely necessary for stage 9 and 10 for cutting out a good chunk of their HP with the right timing.  Also has excellent stats all around.
Erinyes: Seriously, Medusa Eyes skilled up is too amazing not to have.  Mine is very high leveled too, which gives her more than 700 RCR!
Knight Senas: Another 50% fire damage source.  This one had a max'd active skill of destruction arrow (cooldown of only 3!), which makes it useful for chipping away at HP of anything.

One last thing - the level 2 version of  this quest has 2 Erinyes at stage 9!  It's time to start farming once more :P  Level 2 is the only level that has them, which I think is good so I don't have to fret over any bs tech skills like heal wounds card sealing.

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